At the end of the day - you just gotta stop and take a look at what you've accomplished. No hour ever spent in the shop is wasted. There will always be enough demands on a guy so there is no sense doing today what can be put off until tomorrow. That way you will always have some time in the shop!
Crank up the wood stove, turn on some good old Rock & Roll (none of this Techno Heifer Dust) and fabricate away an hour or two. Dang site cheaper than an hour of Therapy. Enjoy the moment - contemplate life or contemplate nothing at all -
Peace & Grease - now that's living the dream.........
Crank up the wood stove, turn on some good old Rock & Roll (none of this Techno Heifer Dust) and fabricate away an hour or two. Dang site cheaper than an hour of Therapy. Enjoy the moment - contemplate life or contemplate nothing at all -
Peace & Grease - now that's living the dream.........